In my final weeks here as a volunteer coordinator for Esperanza, I am spending a lot of time reflecting on my time here and simply enjoying the routine to which I have grown accustomed the past seven months. Sweating, singing the latest Banda hits from "La Invasora 97.7," swinging a pick, drinking a Coca Cola at the beginning of each work day... These little things are the
terra firma that have grounded my role/identity here in Tijuana.

Also, particularly special has been the inclusion of my youngest sister, Martina, in these experiences. Since mid-June, she has accompanied and often carried me through the work day. When I wanted to play soccer or spend time with my girlfriend, she anxiously took over. She often did so better than I could have. In the picture at left, she is directing a group of
hombres from Xavier High School (New York, NY) how to mix cement.
It's very special for me to witness her growth, both how much she has grown since I last lived with her (4 years ago) and how much she is growing right now. Her days here are numbered (although she refuses to count them) and there are many things that she still wants to do before she leaves. We will see how much she can do.

As for myself, I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to open another chapter in Tijuana just as I am closing this one. After a two week vacation to Seattle to spend time with my dearly missed family and friends, I will stay down here for one year more (at least until August 2006). I plan to put my Computer Science degree to good use working on two different databases - one of the volunteers and families of Esperanza and one for the public health related data for Fronteras Unidas. I am anxious to return home (although no longer in the same physical building) to be with my family.
Currently reading: "The Mystery of Capital" by Hernando de Soto
Currently listening to: Gotan Project
Currently sitting on the floor.
BTW, if you know of any high-clearance vehicles (i.e. Jeep Cherokee, Ford Explorer, pickups, etc.) for sale in the <$1000 range, please let me know.