Saturday, March 11, 2006

The True Cost of Entrepreneurship

How to put together an Internet Café in Tijuana for under $5,000...

5 donated computers from father's business contact: $0.00
BUT requires having a father with such a business contact: middle class income

4 used 17" CRT monitors, XBOX, & printers found on $250.00
BUT requires having computer & internet access to browse $2,100 + $30/mo.
AND requires access to flexible transportation + gas: $2,700 + $100

New optical mice, keyboards, and misc. computer-related supplies at electronics stores in San Diego using Mastercard: $300.00
BUT requires US Visa or US Passport: between $90 and $150 (plus requirement for adequate salary for visa)
AND requires ability to have credit card and to pay credit card on time: financial support from parents

Building with secure doors & windows, electricity, and telephone or cable service: $600
BUT requires self-wiring, self-construction, etc.: hernia operation, hurt backs, etc.

Put together the computers yourself: $0.00
BUT requires technological know-how to put together system in a legal & feasible manner: $27,000 in university tuition

Hmm...maybe it wasn't really put together for under $5,000. No wonder there aren't more Internet Café's around Tijuana despite the MSN messenger-crazed and video-game-loving teenagers all over the place.