Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Resurrection Day

Easter marks the reunion of Jesus' spirit and dead body after his crucifixion three days earlier. Thousands of years later, here I am on Easter Sunday I'm trying to unite my spirit with my still undead body. Yoga, meditation, healthy diet, exercise, and reflective discussion are my methods.

In my path towards becoming a doctor, I recently stumbled upon the "integrative medicine" movement where contemporary Western medicine is mixed with other medical systems (ex. Chinese medicine, Indian Ayurvedic medicine, etc.) and techniques (ex. hypnotism & chiropractic). Although these "alternative" medicine techniques are not new - they are in fact much older than our current biomedical practices - they are becoming increasingly popular in the dUS, with about a third of the population employing their services.

Why are a large number of people turning towards these systems? In many cases, modern disease (i.e. heart disease, cancer, obesity, diebetes, & chronic back pain) are not adequately treated by Western techniques (usually intake of chemicals or surgery). Unfortunately, people turn to alternative medicine as a last resort after having had many painful surgeries and/or after chugging harmful-side-effect-laden medications. In the process of undergoing "alternative" treatments, they then find success. Furthermore, it's less painful, less costly, and longer lasting.

In a greater context, this shift in practice seems to be a response to the stiff & uncaring health care system overburdened by profit-seeking insurance & HMO bureaucracies that is reflected in its practices. As most common "alternative" medicines revolve around philosophies of self-healing or natural healing, they require listening to the patient - the person - instead of listening for the prescription or surgery to come. That is, the answer often comes from within and not from without.

It seems that, as in other aspects of dUS society, we seem to look for problems and answers outside of ourselves (i.e. war in Iraq and undocumented immigration "problem"). Instead, we must also look within and question the path we are heading down. How can a country that, of all developed countries, spends the most money on health care tie for 29th place in life expectancy (UNDP Human Development Report 2005)? We need a dramatic shift in the focus of our national healthcare system. At the base of such a shift is a change in perspective from without to within. Again, I'm talking about the (hu)man in the mirror (see "(hu)Man in the Mirror" from June 29th, 2005).

As a parallel, the modern Christian interpration of a God from without that saves us from our sins through his death and resurrection must also be viewed as the result of an internal journey. Indeed, the recent translation of the lost Gospel of Judas invites the theory of release of the spirit from the prison of the body. In it, Jesus confides to Judas with regard to the other disciples, "But you will exceed all of them. You will sacrifice the man the clothes me." Scholars say that Jesus meant that by helping to kill his physical body, Judas would act to free his soul. This is similar to the Buddhist and Hindu quest for "nirvana" in which one tries to reach an absolute truth and, upon reaching it, the liberated mind no longer requires the physical body. Indeed, when Mohandas Gandhi was asked whether he was a Hindu, he replied, "Yes I am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew."

We are all on the same journey, as humanity and as individuals. One physical manifestation of this journey is health and the systems by which we, as a society, choose to address it. We no longer can afford to ignore our bodies and minds, it's too costly on our checkbooks and, most importantly, on life itself. That's why I'm sitting quietly in my room on Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus' resurrection, trying to understand who I am - today, yesterday, and tomorrow. I need to understand myselft to heal myself, only then can I begin to think about healing others.

"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease."
-Buddha Guatama Siddharta

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."

"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has."

"What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)?"
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health

"Manifesto for a New Medicine: Your Guide to Healing Partnerships and the Wise Use of Alternative Therapies"

by James Gordon, MD

"UNDP Human Development Report 2005"

United Nations Development Programme

"In Ancient Document, Judas, Minus the Betrayal"
by Joan Noble Wilford and Laurie Goldstein
New York Times, April 7th, 2006

1 comment:

JulioSueco said...

Sección: Editoriales / Los Reporteros Opinan
El Peje y los empresarios

Por: Erendira Huizar Dominguez
Martes 25 de Julio del 2006

Apenas está asimilando la población que un grupo muy poderoso de empresarios, mexicanos y extranjeros que prácticamente están en todos los productos que consumimos en el hogar, ha sido denunciado por haber participado en la campaña electorera pasada.

Fueron al igual que otras cosas, señalados como una causal para la impugnación de las elecciones y un probable interinato.

Para este supuesto, se manejan dos nombres de panistas y el del perredista Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, quizá el más desprestigiado de los tres, aunque cuenta con el apoyo incondicional de millones de mexicanos de la izquierda.

Los empresarios que están siendo señalados por gastar al menos 337 millones de pesos en propaganda (deducible de impuestos, o sea que los pagamos nosotros) en contra de uno de los candidatos a la presidencia de la república, son, el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, el Consejo de la Comunicación, Consejo Mexicano de Hombres de Negocios, entre los cuales se dice que concentran el 40 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto del país (PIB).

Entre ellos se cuentan Juan Domingo Beckmann -de la tequilera Cuervo, Juan Sánchez Navarro, la empresa Sabritas, propiedad de Pepsico, que al igual que Coca Cola, otra de las participantes, “parece no cubrir los requisitos establecidos en la ley electoral, especialmente en el capítulo relativo a la propaganda política”, según lo consigna el 14 de los corrientes el periodista Carlos Fernández Vega de La Jornada.

La lista continúa con Citigroup-Banamex (Manuel Medina Mora, Soctiabank Inverlart (Anatol von Hahn), Procter and Gamble, Kimberly Clark (que en México representa Claudio X. González Laporte), General Electric, Bacardí, McDonalds, la aseguradora holandesa ING.

Johnson and Johnson, Bic (no sabe fallar), Sara Lee (una panificadora estadunidense cuyos productos Bimbo distribuye en México), Microsoft (Bill Gates, Enciclomedia), American Express y la telefónica española Movistar, "patrocinadores" activos del Consejo de la Comunicación.

Así como FEMSA (Eugenio Garza Lagüera), Grupo Empresarial Angeles (Olegario Vázquez Raña), Mexicana de Aviación (Gastón Azcárraga), Grupo Gigante (familia Losada), Cervecería Modelo (Carlos Fernández González).

El Grupo Bimbo (Lorenzo Servitje Sendra), Comex (Marcos Achar Levy, ex patrón de Josefina Vázquez Mota, ex titular de la Sedeso y coordinadora de la campaña de Calderón, Grupo Nacional Provinicial (Alejandro Bailleres), Grupo Carso (Carlos Slim Domit), La Costeña (Vicente López Rodea), Multisistemas de Seguridad Industrial (Alejandro Desfassiaux), Cinépolis (Alejandro Ramírez), Hard Rock Café (Erich Zinser Cielsilk), Martí (Carlos Gómez Andonaegui), Clemente Jacques (Jaime López Otegui) y Grupo Alsea (Alberto Torrado).

Al igual están siendo señalados, Nestlé, Sears, Telmex, Unilever, Lala, Mabe, Kraft, Aeroméxico, Mexicana de Aviación, La Costeña, Grupo Modelo y Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, hasta hacer un total aproximado de 23 grandes firmas.

Todos ellos, se asegura que patrocinan un movimiento encabezado por Martha Fox , “A Favor de lo Mejor”, para apuntalar la elección de su partido.

Y quienes de una manera u otra participaron, ya sea financiando o produciendo propaganda que intervino en el ánimo del elector para favorecer al candidato de la presidencia de la república.

En este contexto vale la pena mencionar, que el fanatismo religioso está presente en los activistas de este sector de la derecha, que culpa a los pobres y a su líder de participar en una confrontación “social”.

Así tenemos que un grupo de juniors metidos a políticos en el partido de los empresarios, está enviando correos y repartiendo volantes para invitar a la quema en el Distrito Federal, de toda clase de artículos y literatura que ellos consideran “peligrosa” para la moral y para su clase social.

Una gran quema religiosa de condones, propaganda del Peje y cosas por el estilo.

En medio de este ambiente, se está gestando la tercera gran movilización a la ciudad de México, convocada por el líder de los pobres, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Respecto a esto, se confirmó que un contingente saldrá de esta ciudad el próximo 28 de los corrientes, de la explanada Baca Calderón.