Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto.I can't seem to put together a cohesive blog. Everytime I write something, another important topic pops into mind. One thing I can say though, is that I appreciate the many things that life has brought me already in my 24 years on this earth.
Thanks to the life that has given me so much.
- part of a song by Chilean poet, artist, and musician Violeta Parra
Shout out to the Kenmore Krew: Craig, Alexei, G-Tron, Robo, Marty, James, Aaron, and all the rest. To "the rest": I'm usually included in "the rest" as well, or at least I like to thinks so. :)
Can you tell I'm in a nostaligic state of mind?
Also, really quick: Being surrounded by Spanish-speakers, I've grown accustomed to trying to expressing myself first in Spanish and second in English. Thus, my postings with Spanish words intermingled are less a neo-liberal-hip-pro-Latin-American-ism and more a laziness to translate my Spanish thoughts into sloppy English words. Please forgive my laziness.
Currently reading: "Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life with Autism" by Temple Grandin
Currently listening to: Mercedes Sosa, Los Tigres Del Norte, and Gotan Project
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