Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hey Baby

About two weeks ago, I attended a workshop on finding your inner child...and I did. Towards the end of the workshop, I discovered my current self from the perspective of my past self (~13 years old). Wow! I've got facial hair! My body became a cool gift. Life became precious. Joined by conscious notions of holistic medicine, this workshop revived my spirit. I am now determined again to live and make each day count. As phony as it may sound, this philosophy gets recovering drug & alcohol addicts through 10+ clean years and it's often discovered by those with terminal illnesses. Why wait until you are recovering from a fall or nearing the end of life? Take advantage of life while you can. Take care of your body. Be mindful of your spirit. One affects the other and only when the yin complements the yang can you be free from burden and disease.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently discovered that my current self IS my past self. I really believe that the person I was at 13 is the person I will always be. I don't really comprehend why there has to be some sort of differentiation. Was adolescence so horrible and awkward that we have to deny and forget it? Do our biggest fears ever go away? Why must we make such linear divisions? These are things I constantly question. Will there be a day when I know I'm an adult? Will it be when I face the biggest challenges that humans will ever have to face? I'm just babbling...Oh, and I totally believe holistic and herbal medicine btw. I can zap a bug in a day with some echinacea, ginger lemon tea and some raw garlic. mmm...