Thursday, April 07, 2005

Borders at the Beach

Beach Borders
Originally uploaded by MarcelTam.
I told you there would be more comments and pictures about the border fence (see "News affecting my new home"). This is another view of the border fence at Border Field State Park (see previous post). Yes, the fence goes down the hill, across the sand, and into the water. More than a physical barrier -- the fence, made of temporary airplane landing strips left over from the first Gulf War, is riddled with rusted holes and is easy to climb -- the extent of the fence can be psychologically devastating. Is there no space we (Americanos) can share? Are we that different that we need a 10 foot tall metal barricade to seperate us, even at the beach?

This fence continues for 42+ miles inland and is accompanied by a second layer of fencing that is virtually impenetrable. Where thousands of migrants once waited to cross, now lies a lonely border that has pushed its potential crossers further east to the treacherous deserts and mountains. Since the implementation of Operation Gatekeeper in October 1994, the number of border-related deaths has escalated (3,000+ documented deaths since 10/1994). Further east, on the Arizona border, hundreds of volunteers participating in the Minuteman Project are waiting to spot immigrants trying to cross there.

Note: these migrants are not terrorists or drug smugglers. Not doubt both of those groups have better means of crossing than walking for days on end through the mountains and/or the desert. Build another fence for national security? For the security of our economic standard of living, perhaps.

For example, the estimated 1 million+ illigal immigrant workers in the dUS reportedly contributed $7 billion to Social Security without being able to benefit. We have a vested interest in maintaining a flow of undocumented workers.

"Operation Gatekeeper: New Resources, Enhanced Results"

"The Minuteman Project"

"Illegal Immigrants are Bolstering Social Security with Billions"
NY Times, April 5th, 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marcel, were you huffing paint cans when you wrote how we shouldn't have a fence separating the U.S. from Mexico??!?? (You didn't say that but you sure implied it... and was it the metallic paint or a normal color?)

I don't want a fence along the border. It's ugly; it's sad. But you've gotta stop huffing and know that the U.S. cannot just allow people to walk across the border wherever and whenever the heck they want to enter the U.S. Why even have checkpoints at the borders then? If people can just cross illegally, why not just open it all up. Think of the money saved if people could come and go without anyone checking anything. Right?

You say migrants are not drug smugglers or terrorists. Which polling group asked the illegals if they're drug smugglers or terrorists to determine what you say is true?

I'm less worried about drugs than terrorists but I want to know that terrorists have no way to get into America. Now I know no way is impossible, I isn't dum.... hehe... but seriously, we need better fences and better means to keep illegals out of America. I am 100% for immigration... but why the heck can't it be LEGAL?!??!??!??! Yes, terrorists can enter legally but can't they more easily enter illegally? Don't come back with something like, "Well, it hasn't happened," -- how do you know? Have you polled every illegal to ask them if they're a terrorist?

Ugly fence. Wish we didn't need it. We do. I hate laws, I hate authority, but we need many laws and much of the authority that is over us or else there'd be anarchy everywhere. It's a sad fact and the same is true with better fences and better security. It's needed.

America should NOT have illegal aliens. I would welcome them all with open arms and an open heart if they just came to America in a legal manner the way most European-Americans' relatives did. What is so wrong with that??!???