Sunday, February 06, 2005

News affecting my new home

"Border fence could skip rules" (Feb. 5th, 2005)
By Terry Rodgers, San Diego Union-Tribune

The dis-United States (dUS) Congress is voting next week whether or not to install a THIRD border fence between the dUS and Mexico near Imperial Beach (~20 minutes from my home), which the proponents believe will be impenetrable to "illegal" immigrants. This law would override a decision by the California Coastal Commission to deny the project due to environmental concerns. It's incredible how the Right is able to negatively affect immigration (more deaths), the environment (excess erosion & destruction of rare habitat), the economy (maintenance of low wages/cheap labor), and preservation of culture (covering of American Indian archeological site) in a single bill.

Although the environmental advocates can still battle the proposed project in federal court, "final authority rests with President Bush, who could overrule a federal court ruling in the interest of national security."

More comments (and pictures) about the border fence later...

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